The Future of Online Bingo: Why Social Media provides the perfect Platform

If you have recently made the transition from bricks and mortar to online bingo gameplay, you may well be struggling to adapt to the lack of social interaction. While online players can interact and communicate with one another in real-time, this is hardly the same as drinking and socialising with your friends in a physical location. In this regard, playing in a virtual setting can be relatively isolating, at least until you have come to terms with the variable pace and nature of online gaming.
How Brands are using Social Media to Bridge the Gap
Online bingo and casino brands are nothing if not proactive, however, and many have sought to bridge the gap between physical and virtual gameplay. This can help players to make a seamless transition between the two platforms, and this may prove invaluable if online brands wish to capture the attention of older participants. It can be easily achieved to, as virtual bingo sites use social media to connect individual players and also look to make their games available through real-time applications.
One of the first brands to explore this was Madabout Bingo, which used an integrated social media platform to reach a wider group of targeted players. After initially launching through Facebook and Twitter, the brand registered with Google Plus and Pinterest to extend its reach and establish new channels through which players could interact (both with customer service operatives and one another). Importantly, this also enabled the brand to deliver real-time promotional offers and discount information, and laid the foundations for other online bingo outlets to create a more interactive platform.
The Future: Why Social Media will take Online Bingo onto an entirely new Level
A number of alternative brands have subsequently followed suit, while technological advancement has also made it possible for online bingo halls to accurately replicate a physical gameplay experience. This refers to both the pace of gameplay and the authenticity of interaction between players and bingo callers, and the end result is a far easier transition between two diametrically opposed platforms.
In terms of the marriage between bingo and social media, this will continue to evolve over the course of the next five years. Social gaming is already an extremely lucrative and popular pastime, and bingo is ideally suited to this medium. This means that we can expect a growing number of live bingo apps to be released in the future, while social media outlets such as Facebook will also host newly released titles.
Last updated: Jan 24, 2023