Spectra a Forward Moving Site

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly, falala lala..lala..lala!!
It’s coming up to that time of year again; surely the powers that be are slipping in an extra Christmas into each year? It feels as if we have only just got over last Christmas!! Spectra enjoy treating their players and to get you in the mood for everything Christmassy, they have begun a great new promotion where you can win some fantastic cash prizes which would help make the Christmas Season far jollier!
Spectra are offering their players 20 games with a whopping £1,000 guaranteed jackpot on each game. This promotion game will run daily from December 1st through to December 20th and will take place at 8pm each day. You will need to buy a £5 Multi-pass in order to play which gives you 1 ticket to each of the 20 games (there is presently a sale on these passes which ends on November 2nd) From 3rd November you can still buy tickets but they go up to £1 per game (instead of the great 25p it is now) So if you fancy getting into the Christmas spirit, Spectra is the place to be.
Grab a Grand Monthly Promotion
Spectra do enjoy giving away the round figure of £1,000 and you can enjoy playing in the Grab a Grand room on the 1st day of each and every month where you can enjoy BOGOF tickets which double your chances of winning. You can pre-buy your tickets, and you can grab yourself up to 48 free tickets. Remember too with this promotion you do not even have to be online to win!
Spectra understand that many folk out there enjoy their free game of bingo and they have a great set-up each month where there is £6,000 to be won (£200 each day) in the Free for All room. For those of you who love to play just for fun there is also a guaranteed jackpot of £1 for every game (totalling £90 every day.) Games take place each day from 7am-7pm (every 8 minutes.) Funded players can also have a game of free bingo every day from 4pm-7pm (every 15 minutes) in the Free Bingo Funded room where there is a guaranteed jackpot of £10 for each game which adds up to a lovely £130 up for grabs each and every day.
Spectra have a whole host of great promotions on offer at time of writing and are well worth checking out. The site is easy to navigate and it is understandable why they are becoming one of the most popular bingo sites online today.
Last updated: Jan 24, 2023