Mum Steals to Play Bingo!

Karen Moore admitted in April that she took a staggering amount to play online bingo with from her 84 year-old relative’s bank account. (In the region of £120,000,) after he moved into a nursing home.
Moore says she became addicted to the game and thought that she had taken £30,000 from her great-uncles account. Once she realised that the gambling was out of control she went to the police but only before she had embezzled £119,678 44 from the account!
On one particular night it is thought that she gambled in the region of £10,400, Ayr Sheriff Court was told.
When Moore presented herself to the police she was nine months pregnant and thought of as a daughter by her great-uncle Francisco whose care home payments were £10,000 in arrears.
Moore stated that she didn’t mean for things to get so out of hand and that she is not proud of what she did.
Fancisco died aged 84, three months before the case went to court and did not want his niece to be charged. Being a part of a close family has helped Moore and she is grateful that they are standing by her.
The court heard that Moore has repaid £17,226 and has put all her winnings back into Francisco’s account which adds up to £52,250 in total, leaving more than £50,000 unpaid. Beneficiaries of Francisco’s will have been contacted and have stated that they do not want any money back.
Sentence was deferred until this month (May) by Sheriff Desmond Leslie.
Last updated: Jan 24, 2023