Is Bingo the Right Game for you? Here is how to find out…

Ahhh bingo. A beautiful and criminally underrated game, it is now played by a staggering three million players in the UK and continues to grow across a diverse range of demographics. Once considered unfashionable throughout the UK, it is now a truly lucrative and multi-channel game that has become a hit with players of all generations. It’s a game of thrills, spills, and you never know, maybe a jackpot or two.
But how do you know bingo is the game for you? Well, answering these three simple questions might help…
Do you enjoy Number Games?
Let’s start with the basics, as fundamentally bingo remains a game of numbers. It therefore requires a certain degree of numeracy, as you must be able to quickly identify numbers as they are called and mark these clearly on your game card. Speed is clearly of the essence when competing with rival players, so without a basic aptitude for numbers you will find it difficult to succeed. If you have this and enjoy the underlying challenge posed by number games, bingo is an ideal pastime to follow.
Do you prefer games of skill or chance?
While bingo may require a keen sense of numeracy (and adequate hand-eye coordination), it is more accurately described as a game of chance than skill. While this may appeal to those with a keen appetite for risk, it less than ideal for anyone with a more conservative or calculated outlook. This is an important consideration, as players who like to apply skill in a bid to dominate games and control their outcomes may find bingo a stressful experience. In contrasts, those with an opportunistic streak will enjoy the challenge that it provides.
Are you Interested in the wider Benefits of Bingo?
Interestingly, the benefits of playing bingo extend far beyond winning considerable sums of money. In addition to this, it has been proven by independent studies that regularly playing bingo actively aids mental health and enables more agile thinking processes. While we have already touched on how bingo both requires and hones numeracy and hand-eye coordination, it is also important to note that the game effectively stimulates the brain and keeps the mind active. So if you are interested in the wider health benefits of bingo, this may well be a game that appeals to you.
Last updated: Feb 9, 2023