How to protect yourself when gaming online

As a gamer or avid bingo player, you are most probably preoccupied with the challenge of succeeding at your favourite game. This can pose an issue for online gamers, however, as they must also recognise the security risks that exist online and the sophistication of modern-day hackers.
This is not to say that you are in immediate danger, however, as the level of security associated with online websites has improved immensely over the last decade. Since the inception of online gaming and gambling in 1995, players have been able to enjoy an increasingly secure and reliable experience.
Despite this, it is still prudent to ensure that you remain as safe as possible when gaming online. Here are three steps towards achieving this:
Download the latest versions of games and Applications
As a gamer, you will be familiar with the messages that constantly prompt you to update or upgrade your existing games. These appear regularly on your phone or tablet, and while it is tempting to dismiss them this can actually damage the integrity of your hardware. These updates, whether made available through Android or iOS, will correct any potential security vulnerabilities and ensure that only the most up-to-date software is in operation on your handset.

Power up and protect your Passwords
Today’s online hackers are sophisticated beings, so they hardly require any assistance when attempting to access your personal data. This is why you need to ensure that you use powerful and complex passwords, which preferably include a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and even symbols where allowed. It is also wise to change these regularly, as you can set a prompt on your hardware to remind you to refresh an existing password. There are other steps that you can take to safeguard your personal information, such as not leaving yourself logged in to individual accounts on your mobile devices.

Guarantee the Validity of the Websites that you visit
While you can take all of these steps and more in the quest to secure your personal data online, this means little if you register with a poorly secured or neglected website. There are several metrics that you can check; however, including perusing the website in question to ensure that it has a valid and updated SSL certificate. This is a prerequisite for any website that manages financial transactions, while resources of this type must also have a high-standard of encryption. The financial industry standard is 128-bit encryption, so any online casino or bingo should have this by default, just like all of the sites that we have reviewed.
Last updated: Jan 24, 2023