DIY Bingo: How To Create Your Own Bingo Cards

The game of bingo has evolved considerably in recent times, from the depths of history and the typical bingo hall experience to the emergence of online brands. There is also a rising trend for people hosting their own bingo nights, although this requires a considerable amount of work and means individuals have to create their own unique bingo cards for the occasion. There are many ways in which these can be produced, whether you’re a regular craft whizz or can only just manage to use a pair of scissors.
So if you fancy holding your very own bingo night, here are our top tips on sorting out the most importing thing – bingo cards!
How to Create Bingo Cards either manually or through a generator
If you are hosting a professional event, you may want to consider using an online generator such as Print Bingo. This is an entirely web-based program for printing multiple types of bingo card, from traditional variations to those that include custom word lists. There is no software to download or install when using this website, so it is compatible with any computer or printer. The biggest advantage of this is that there are multiple templates to choose from, meaning that you can easily create a functional and aesthetically pleasing design.
For decidedly less formal evenings, you may want to create manual bingo cards by hand. This is also the preferred method for craft enthusiasts, and it requires nothing expect for scissors, a ruler, cardstock paper and a marker. Simply take the card before dividing it into five equally-sized columns and rows (or as many are needed for your chosen game format and creating your cards. Then write out the required numbers on each card and mark the word ‘bingo’ at the top of each one to begin the game.
Are there any other types of Bingo Card?
If you are a little more tech-savvy, you may want to capitalise on the age of innovation to create your bingo cards using computer software. Basic programs such as Microsoft Word can be used to create cards, as you would simply be required to select an initial template, develop the design before printing these off.
While these methods are quite diverse in their nature, they can all be used to achieve the same, single-minded goal. The one that you select will ultimately depend on multiple factors, including your grasp of technology and attitude to arts and craft. The ease with which cards can be developed highlights the accessibility of the game in 2015, as it becomes popularised within multiple demographics.
Last updated: Feb 9, 2023