Bingo and Blokes

With the incredible increase of online bingo, more and more men are joining in the experience of this fun and exciting game.
In a new survey it was reported that more men who are based in the UK are taking the plunge and playing more bingo. Carried out by GamblerTrack the statistics show that 33% of bingo players are actually male. It is strange that the old persona of bingo is one of elderly women with bingo markers, as in many parts of the world such as Spain; bingo has always been a male past-time. Bingo’s origins go back to the 16th centaury and it was exclusively only the men who used to play. Women were only introduced to this fun experience much later.
Because of this changing trend we have witnessed the emergence of a number of websites that target the blokes with graphics not in pink and fluff, but rather more broody and ‘manly.’ So who exactly are these men who play bingo? Well if you are to believe the hype surrounding men playing bingo, they are gruff, rough, beer-swilling blokes. Hmmmm? We don’t think so! Bingo appeals to many folk and in reality the men that play bingo are just your average men, who enjoy a game of bingo with the chance to win big!
Perhaps this change in trend is due to the continual rise of bingo being played online? Although if you go into a traditional bricks and mortar bingo hall you will find that a good proportion of the players there are men, all of different ages and backgrounds. It appears that bingo is spreading her wings to take in both genders and offer each a great experience along side the chance to win huge prizes. Another interesting thought that surrounds the increase of male players is that those chat rooms are going to become far more interesting places to visit! About time too!!
Last updated: Jan 24, 2023